Study programmeFrançais
School of Human and Social Sciences
Bachelor's Degree in Human and Social Sciences (Mons)
Show AAs
Bloc 1Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
Courses required
UH-B1-SCHUMS-001-M Political sciences60000060Q2,Q188
UH-B1-SCHUMS-002-M Sociology et anthropology I80500085Q11010
UH-B1-SCHUMS-003-M Information - Communication35500040Q244
UH-B1-SCHUMS-004-M Contemporary History30000030Q244
UH-B1-SCHUMS-005-M Political Economy60000060Q1,Q266
UH-B1-SCHUMS-006-M Introduction to Law and Civil Law45000045Q155
UH-B1-SCHUMS-007-M Psychology45000045Q255
UH-B1-SCHUMS-008-M Statistics in Human Sciences I303000060Q166
UH-B1-SCHUMS-009-M Information Technology 1151500030Q144
UH-B1-SCHUMS-010-M English for Human and Social Sciences I45000045Q2,Q144
Language Option4
UH-B1-SCHUMS-011-M Español para Ciencias Humanas y Sociales I45000045Q1,Q244
UH-B1-SCHUMS-012-M Nederlands voor Humane en Sociale Wetenschappen I45000045Q1,Q244
Remedial Courses
UH-B1-SCHUMS-013-M Question & Answer Session : Introduction to law and civil law200002Q2
UH-B1-SCHUMS-014-M Question & Answer Session : Sociology200002Q2
UH-B1-SCHUMS-015-M Question & Answer Session : Social Anthropology200002Q2
UH-B1-SCHUMS-016-M Question & Answer Session : History of Political Thought200002Q2
UH-B1-SCHUMS-017-M Question & Answer Session : Information Technology 1200002Q2
UH-B1-SCHUMS-018-M Work Methodology1900010Q1
Bloc 2Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
Courses required
UH-B2-SCHUMS-001-M Political Trends Prérequis303000060Q1,Q266
UH-B2-SCHUMS-002-M Modern and Contemporary History of Belgium30000030Q133
UH-B2-SCHUMS-003-M Accounting and Management603000090Q188
UH-B2-SCHUMS-004-M Conception of the World and Life500100060Q255
UH-B2-SCHUMS-005-M Commercial law Prérequis45000045Q244
UH-B2-SCHUMS-006-M Principles of research in human sciences151500030Q233
UH-B2-SCHUMS-007-M Statistics in Human Sciences II Prérequis253500060Q277
UH-B2-SCHUMS-008-M English for Human and Social Sciences II Prérequis60000060Q1,Q255
Language Option4
UH-B2-SCHUMS-010-M Nederlands voor Humane en Sociale Wetenschappen II Prérequis45000045Q1,Q244
UH-B2-SCHUMS-009-M Español para Ciencias Humanas y Sociales II Prérequis45000045Q1,Q244
Optional Modules (15 ECTS)15
Optional Module : Sociology et Anthropology
UH-B2-SCHUMS-011-M History of Sociological Thought40000040Q244
UH-B2-SCHUMS-012-M Anthropology Prérequis70000070Q177
UH-B2-SCHUMS-013-M Anthropological Methodology30000030Q144
Optional Module : Information - Communication
UH-B2-SCHUMS-014-M Fundamentals of marketing201000030Q233
UH-B2-SCHUMS-015-M Information I55000055Q266
UH-B2-SCHUMS-016-M Logic and Language45000045Q166
Optional Module : Human Resources Management
UH-B2-SCHUMS-017-M Human Resources Management30000030Q144
UH-B2-SCHUMS-018-M Work Relationships451500060Q288
UH-B2-SCHUMS-019-M Social Psychology of organizations30000030Q133
Optional Module : Political Sciences
UH-B2-SCHUMS-020-M Political and Financial Actors Prérequis75000075Q188
UH-B2-SCHUMS-021-M History of Sociological Thought40000040Q244
UH-B2-SCHUMS-022-M Basics in quantitative methods201000030Q133
Transition Courses Bloc 20
UH-B2-SCHUMS-900-M Labor Law and Social Security25000025Q133
Bloc 3Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
Courses required
UH-B3-SCHUMS-001-M Historical Method30000030Q233
UH-B3-SCHUMS-002-M Questions of Sociology Prérequis303000060Q1,Q266
UH-B3-SCHUMS-003-M Sociology of the Media30000030Q133
UH-B3-SCHUMS-004-M Economics Sciences Prérequis631200075Q177
UH-B3-SCHUMS-005-M Public and Administrative Law30000030Q233
UH-B3-SCHUMS-006-M Research Methodology Prérequis Corequis1050000105Q11010
UH-B3-SCHUMS-007-M Human and Social Science Poject Prérequis Corequis00650065A,Q266
UH-B3-SCHUMS-008-M Survey Methods Prérequis151000025Q244
UH-B3-SCHUMS-009-M English for Human and Social Sciences III Prérequis45000045Q1,Q244
Language Option4
UH-B3-SCHUMS-010-M Español para Ciencias Humanas y Sociales III Prérequis45000045Q1,Q244
UH-B3-SCHUMS-011-M Nederlands voor Humane en Sociale Wetenschappen III Prérequis45000045Q1,Q244
Optional Modules (10 ECTS)10
Optional Module : Sociology et Anthropology
UH-B3-SCHUMS-012-M Sociology and Anthropology II Prérequis60000060Q177
UH-B3-SCHUMS-013-M Decision Making Methodology201000030Q233
Optional Module : Information - Communication
UH-B3-SCHUMS-014-M Business Communication17800025Q244
UH-B3-SCHUMS-015-M Information II Prérequis252000045Q1,Q266
Optional Module : Human Resources Management
Tools and Common Practises in Human Resources Management is not organised in 2016-2017
UH-B3-SCHUMS-016-M Tools and Common Practises in Human Resources Management Prérequis401000050Q155
Choice of Course
UH-B3-SCHUMS-018-M Management Theories and Practises Prérequis Corequis382200060Q1,Q255
UH-B3-SCHUMS-017-M Tools and Common Practises in Management Prérequis Corequis382200060Q255
Optional Module : Political Sciences
UH-B3-SCHUMS-019-M Societies and Power Prérequis70000070Q177
UH-B3-SCHUMS-020-M Decision Making Methodology201000030Q233
Transition Courses Bloc 30
UH-B3-SCHUMS-900-M Fundamentals of marketing201000030Q244
UH-B3-SCHUMS-901-M Theory and practise of organizations Prérequis401000050Q155
UH-B3-SCHUMS-902-M English for Human and Social Sciences III Prérequis45000045Q1,Q255
Bloc MobilitéHours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
UE exclusivement accessibles aux étudiants à Mobilité In
UH-BM-SCHUMS-801-M Introduction to journalism - Part 251000015Q24100
UH-BM-SCHUMS-802-M Questions of Sociology - Part 2151500030Q24100
(*) HT : Hours of theory - HTPE : Hours of in-class exercices - HTPS : hours of practical work - HD : HMiscellaneous time - HR : Hours of remedial classes. - Per. (Period), Y=Year, Q1=1st term et Q2=2nd term
Please note, the course titles given here are translations of the original titles and are provided in English for information only. In order to know in which language the course will be taught, please refer to the French page. There, the titles provided in French indicate that the course is taught in French and the titles provided in English indicate that the course is taught in English.
Date de génération : 29/03/2017
20, place du Parc, B7000 Mons - Belgique
Tél: +32 (0)65 373111