Study programmeFrançais
Faculty of Science
Master's Degree in Chemistry Professional Focus - Business (Mons)
Show AAs
Bloc 1Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
Compulsory Courses34
US-M1-SCCHIM-001-M Solid State Chemistry403000070Q18100
US-M1-SCCHIM-003-M Molecular Spectroscopy0000005100
US-M1-SCCHIM-002-M Chemistry and the Environment450100055Q12100
US-M1-SCCHIM-005-M Chemical Industries: Seminars and Visits00200020Q22100
US-M1-SCCHIM-004-M Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Risk Management25000025Q13100
US-M1-SCCHIM-006-M Coordination Chemistry15000015Q23100
US-M1-SCCHIM-008-M Preparation for Master Thesis00800080Q288
US-M1-SCCHIM-007-M Theoretical Molecular Chemistry150100025Q23100
Optional course18
Organic Chemistry and Spectroscopy
US-M1-SCCHIM-012-M Organic Synthesis Strategies300250055Q25100
US-M1-SCCHIM-011-M Organic Mass Spectrometry300200050Q15100
US-M1-SCCHIM-010-M Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry150150030Q23100
US-M1-SCCHIM-009-M Structural and Dynamic Analysis using NMR300300060Q25100
Materials Chemistry
US-M1-SCCHIM-016-M Macromolecular Physics150150030Q23100
US-M1-SCCHIM-015-M Macromolecular Chemistry150150030Q13100
US-M1-SCCHIM-014-M Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces300300060Q26100
US-M1-SCCHIM-013-M Chemistry of Novel Materials450150060Q26100
Project Module8
US-M1-SCCHIM-017-M Quantum Chemistry of Materials150150030Q23100
US-M1-SCCHIM-018-M Introduction to Nanotechnology15000015Q12100
US-M1-SCCHIM-019-M Composite and Nano-composite Polymer Materials150150030Q23100
US-M1-SCCHIM-020-M Scanning Probe Microscopy150150030Q23100
US-M1-SCCHIM-021-M Implementation of Reactive Polymer Materials150150030Q23100
US-M1-SCCHIM-022-M Morphogenesis and Instabilities150150030Q24100
US-M1-SCCHIM-023-M Physical Chemistry of Plasmas15000015Q12100
US-M1-SCCHIM-024-M Introduction to Organometallic Chemistry15000015Q22100
US-M1-SCCHIM-025-M Mass Spectrometry - Supplementary Course150150030Q23100
US-M1-SCCHIM-026-M Molecular Imaging301500045Q14100
US-M1-SCCHIM-027-M Macromolecular Engineering: Controlled Radical Polymerisation and Associated Organic Reactions15000015Q22100
US-M1-SCCHIM-028-M New Methodologies in Organic Synthesis150150030Q23100
US-M1-SCCHIM-029-M Ring-Opening Polymerisation150150030Q23100
General Interest
US-M1-SCCHIM-030-M Supramolecular Chemistry150150030Q13100
US-M1-SCCHIM-031-M Course delivered by Guest Lecturer15000015Q12100
US-M1-SCCHIM-032-M Physico-Chemistry of Life150150030Q23100
US-M1-SCCHIM-033-M Calculation Methods Applied to Chemistry150150030Q13100
US-M1-SCCHIM-034-M Co- and Post-Translational Modifications of Proteins150150030Q23100
US-M1-SCCHIM-035-M Nanotechnology - Controlled Release Systems15000015Q22100
US-M1-SCCHIM-036-M Structural and Functional Proteomics300100040Q144
US-M1-SCCHIM-037-M Predictive Toxicology (including Metabolomics)30000030Q244
US-M1-SCCHIM-038-M Molecular Biology30000030Q24100
US-M1-SCCHIM-999-M Molecular Modelling in Chemistry150150030Q13100
French as a Foreign Language 0
US-M1-SCCHIM-156-M French as a Foreign Language 256000056Q26100
US-M1-SCCHIM-155-M French as a Foreign Language 156000056Q16100
Courses Specific to Specialist Focus30
US-M2-CHIMFS-006-M Work Placement000000A15100
Optional Course
US-M2-CHIMFS-003-M Sustainable Development and Production30000030Q14100
US-M2-CHIMFS-004-M Intellectual Property15000015Q22100
US-M2-CHIMFS-011-M Recycling and Waste Management15603024Q13100
US-M2-CHIMFS-010-M Social Legislation12000012Q22100
US-M2-CHIMFS-009-M Introduction to Accounting301500045Q14100
US-M2-CHIMFS-008-M Process Engineering: Introduction121200024Q13100
US-M2-CHIMFS-007-M Industrial Law24000024Q23100
US-M2-CHIMFS-005-M Quality, Safety and Environment421400056Q15100
Bloc 2Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
Compulsory Courses
US-M2-SCCHIM-001-M Aspects of Contemporary Chemistry15000015Q12100
US-M2-SCCHIM-002-M Master Thesis in Chemistry000000A28100
(*) HT : Hours of theory - HTPE : Hours of in-class exercices - HTPS : hours of practical work - HD : HMiscellaneous time - HR : Hours of remedial classes. - Per. (Period), Y=Year, Q1=1st term et Q2=2nd term
Please note, the course titles given here are translations of the original titles and are provided in English for information only. In order to know in which language the course will be taught, please refer to the French page. There, the titles provided in French indicate that the course is taught in French and the titles provided in English indicate that the course is taught in English.
Date de génération : 29/03/2017
20, place du Parc, B7000 Mons - Belgique
Tél: +32 (0)65 373111