Study programmeFrançais
Faculty of Engineering
Master's Degree in Geology and Mining Engineering (Mons)
Show AAs
Bloc 1Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
Enseignements transitoires0
UI-M1-IRMIGE-703-M Subsurface Interventions - Part 1241200036Q133
UI-M1-IRMIGE-705-M Geoinformatics and Modelling in Geology, Geostatistics121200024Q122
Enseignements obligatoires
UI-M1-IRMIGE-001-M Patent Rights and Social Laws36000036Q233
UI-M1-IRMIGE-002-M Machine Design and Manufacturing Technology32400036Q133
UI-M1-IRMIGE-003-M Geology Fieldwork06000060Q155
UI-M1-IRMIGE-004-M Applied Mineralogy and Petrography121800030Q122
UI-M1-IRMIGE-005-M Geological Modelling and Geostatistics181800036Q133
UI-M1-IRMIGE-006-M Applied Geophysics246000084Q277
UI-M1-IRMIGE-008-M Hydrogeology27900036Q133
UI-M1-IRMIGE-009-M Karst and Natural Risks Corequis121200024Q122
UI-M1-IRMIGE-011-M Project in Environment164400060Q255
UI-M1-IRMIGE-013-M Modelling and Construction of Mining-Like Structures6444000108Q199
UI-M1-IRMIGE-014-M Mining Trip Corequis04800048Q244
UI-M1-IRMIGE-015-M Drilling Technologies and Reservoir Engineering222600048Q244
UI-M1-IRMIGE-016-M Mineral Processing - Supplementary Course201600036Q133
UI-M1-IRMIGE-704-M Geology of Belgium02400024Q222
UI-M1-IRMIGE-702-M Production Management and Computer-aided Production Engineering121200024Q222
UI-M1-IRMIGE-701-M Fundamentals of Fluid Machinery221400036Q233
Bloc 2Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
Enseignements obligatoires
UI-M2-IRMIGE-001-M Master Thesis000000A2020
UI-M2-IRMIGE-002-M Work Placement000000Q11010
UI-M2-IRMIGE-004-M Fundaments in Civil Engineering141000024Q122
UI-M2-IRMIGE-005-M Seminars of Applied Geology and Bibliographic Research121200024Q122
UI-M2-IRMIGE-006-M Characterisation and Remediation of Polluted Sites Prérequis28800036Q133
UI-M2-IRMIGE-007-M Project Mining Planning and Optimisation, Seminars in Mining Engineering Prérequis165600072Q166
UI-M2-IRMIGE-010-M Mineral and Energy Resources18600024Q122
Opening Modules15
Management Module
UI-M2-IRMIGE-500-M Industrial Property282400052Q255
UI-M2-IRMIGE-503-M Project Management and Case Studies56000056Q155
UI-M2-IRMIGE-504-M Qualety, Safety, Environment421400056Q155
UI-M2-IRMIGE-505-M Business Management321800050Q255
UI-M2-IRMIGE-522-M Entrepreneurship152000035Q144
UI-M2-IRMIGE-523-M Entrepreneurship, business Corequis152500040Q266
Language to chosse
UI-M2-IRMIGE-514-M Nederlands voor het bedrijfsleven 156000056Q155
UI-M2-IRMIGE-515-M Nederlands voor het bedrijfsleven 256000056Q255
UI-M2-IRMIGE-586-M Elementary Dutch 128000028Q122
UI-M2-IRMIGE-587-M Elementary Dutch 228000028Q233
UI-M2-IRMIGE-588-M Elementary Spanish 128000028Q122
UI-M2-IRMIGE-589-M Elementary Spanish 228000028Q233
UI-M2-IRMIGE-590-M Elementary German 102800028Q122
UI-M2-IRMIGE-591-M Elementary German 128000028Q233
Creditable Activities
UI-M2-IRMIGE-518-M Writing and Presenting Master Thesis in English Corequis000000A55
UI-M2-IRMIGE-052-M Long Term Placement (with Work Accrediation before Placement) Corequis000000Q155
UI-M2-IRMIGE-520-M ESW with Stay in a Research Center or in a Company Corequis000000A55
UI-M2-IRMIGE-521-M Mobility Stays Abroad: Study Period or a Traineeship Corequis000000A55
UI-M2-IRMIGE-530-M Development Cooperation000000A55
UI-M2-IRMIGE-722-M Scientific and Technological Topics in Mining Engineering and Geology000000A22
UI-M2-IRMIGE-723-M Advanced Scientific and Technological Topics in Mining Engineering and Geology000000A33
(*) HT : Hours of theory - HTPE : Hours of in-class exercices - HTPS : hours of practical work - HD : HMiscellaneous time - HR : Hours of remedial classes. - Per. (Period), Y=Year, Q1=1st term et Q2=2nd term
Please note, the course titles given here are translations of the original titles and are provided in English for information only. In order to know in which language the course will be taught, please refer to the French page. There, the titles provided in French indicate that the course is taught in French and the titles provided in English indicate that the course is taught in English.
Date de génération : 29/03/2017
20, place du Parc, B7000 Mons - Belgique
Tél: +32 (0)65 373111