Study programme 2017-2018Français
Faculty of Psychology and Education
Master's Degree in Psychology Research Focus (Mons)
Show AAs
Bloc 1Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
UP-M1-MPSYCH-001-M Psychological Assessment3021190070Q11010
UP-M1-MPSYCH-002-M Seminar for Master Thesis Preparation00300030Y55
UP-M1-MPSYCH-003-M Psychology Work Placement0040000400Y1515
Optional Courses30
L'étudiant de la finalité spécialisée choisit un module optionnel de spécialisation (1 x 30 crédits) parmi les modules proposés ci-dessous. L'étudiant de la finalité approfondie choisit des enseignements pour un total de 15 crédits au sein de l'un des modules optionnels proposés ci-dessous, moyennant le respect des corequis éventuels. Les enseignements choisis doivent appartenir obligatoirement à un même module.
Clinical approaches to language (1)30
UP-M1-MPSYCH-004-M Bilingualism: Cognitive and Psycho-Social Aspects151500030Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-005-M Methods and Tools for Investigating Spoken Language151050030Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-006-M Language Models for Diagnosis and Assessment30000030Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-007-M Neuropsycholinguistics of Dementia150300045Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-008-M Language Disorders I451500060Q11010
Clinical neuropsychology30
UP-M1-MPSYCH-052-M Modèles des fonctions cognitives30000030Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-044-M Neuropsychologie clinique : diagnostic02550030Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-045-M Neuropsychological Pathologies451500060Q11010
UP-M1-MPSYCH-013-M Cognitive Psychopathology30000030Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-046-M Questions approfondies de neurosciences et neuropsychologie30000030Q155
Psychodynamic clinical psychology for children and youth30
UP-M1-MPSYCH-014-M Clinical Perspective of Acting Out in Childhood and Adolescence30000030Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-015-M Clinical Intervention for Young Children Corequis201000030Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-016-M Clinical Intervention for Children and Youths Corequis201000030Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-017-M Projective Methods303000060Q11010
UP-M1-MPSYCH-018-M Psychopathology of Children and Youths30000030Q155
Systemic and psychodynamic clinical psychology30
UP-M1-MPSYCH-019-M Systemic Psychotherapeutic Approaches Corequis121230027Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-020-M Psychotherapeutic Approaches - Psychoanalysis of Adults92100030Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-021-M Introduction to Psychotherapeutic Approaches Corequis12690027Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-022-M Clinical Examination in Adults  152100036Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-023-M Family and Marital Psychopathology Corequis15960030Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-024-M Clinical Interview Seminar Corequis03000030Q155
Orthopédagogie clinique30
UP-M1-MPSYCH-047-M Approches du développement atypique201000030Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-048-M Double diagnostic : prévention et intervention150150030Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-049-M Ethique et politiques inclusives150150030Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-050-M Orthopédagogie clinique en milieu scolaire200100030Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-051-M Qualité des services201000030Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-043-M Ageing and Social Inclusion300150045Q155
Work, organizational and diversity psychology (1)15
UP-M1-MPSYCH-031-M Change and Intervention in Organisations151500030Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-032-M Cultural Diversity151500030Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-033-M Diversities and Genders151500030Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-034-M Ergonomics and Well-Being at Work151500030Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-035-M Valorisation of Human Resources301500045Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-036-M Group and Work Situations151500030Q155
Forensic psychology15
UP-M1-MPSYCH-037-M Criminology30000030Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-038-M Legal Expertise in Clinical Psychology Corequis151500030Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-039-M Introduction to Expertise Corequis151500030Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-040-M Protective Legislation for Youths Corequis151500030Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-041-M Psychopathologie légale301500045Q155
UP-M1-MPSYCH-042-M Advanced Questions of Legal Psychopathology Corequis30000030Q155
Enseignements obligatoires spécifiques à la finalité approfondie15
L'étudiant choisit de suivre le module de recherche en langue française ou en langue anglaise (Research course module).
Module de recherche15
UP-M1-MPSYFA-001-M Scientific Communication351000045Q155
UP-M1-MPSYFA-002-M Research Methodology301500045Q155
Une UE au choix5
L'étudiant choisit une UE (1 x 5 crédits) parmi les UE proposées ci-dessous.
UP-M1-MPSYFA-003-M Statistical Indices for the Measurement of Human Development151500030Q155
UP-M1-MPSYFA-004-M Methods and Techniques for Research in Psychology03000030Q155
Research course module15
UP-M1-MPSYFA-005-M Scientific Communication351000045Q155
UP-M1-MPSYFA-006-M Research Methodology301500045Q155
UP-M1-MPSYFA-007-M Methods and Techniques for Research in Psychology03000030Q155
Bloc 2Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
Basic courses30
UP-M2-MPSYCH-001-M Master Thesis Prérequis000000Y3030
Un stage spécifique à la finalité approfondie15
L'étudiant choisit un stage de 15 crédits (effectué en langue française ou en langue anglaise) parmi les deux UE proposées ci-dessous.
UP-M2-MPSYFA-001-M Psychology Research Placement0040000400Y1515
UP-M2-MPSYFA-002-M Psychology Research Placement0040000400Y1515
Optional Courses
(*) HT : Hours of theory - HTPE : Hours of in-class exercices - HTPS : hours of practical work - HD : HMiscellaneous time - HR : Hours of remedial classes. - Per. (Period), Y=Year, Q1=1st term et Q2=2nd term
Please note, the course titles given here are translations of the original titles and are provided in English for information only. In order to know in which language the course will be taught, please refer to the French page. There, the titles provided in French indicate that the course is taught in French and the titles provided in English indicate that the course is taught in English.
Date de génération : 16/05/2018
20, place du Parc, B7000 Mons - Belgique
Tél: +32 (0)65 373111