Study programme 2017-2018Français
Clinical Intervention for Young Children
Programme component of Master's Degree in Psychology à la Faculty of Psychology and Education
CodeTypeHead of UE Department’s
contact details
UP-M1-MPSYCH-015-MCompulsory UEGAUGUE JustineP353 - Psychologie clinique de l'enfant et de l'adolescent
  • GAUGUE Justine

of instruction
of assessment
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HR(*) HD(*) CreditsWeighting Term
  • Français
Français2010000551st term

AA CodeTeaching Activity (AA) HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HR(*) HD(*) Term Weighting
P-SPCE-164Clinical Intervention for Young Children2010000Q1100.00%
Programme component

Objectives of Programme's Learning Outcomes

  • Analyse a situation (individually or collectively) in reference to theories and methodological approaches within psychology.
    • Master and appropriately mobilise knowledge and methodological approaches to understand and explain the normal/atypical/pathological functioning of individuals, groups or organisations.
    • Analyse and model a situation (individually or collectively) by critically selecting theories and methodological approaches.
  • Justifiably choose an intervention and implement and evaluate it.
    • Master knowledge on interventions to improve a given situation (individually or collectively), as well as implement them.
    • Critically analyse the extent and limitations of different types of intervention.
    • Develop a plan of intervention or management in a rigorous and justified manner, taking into account all relevant factors (including underlying issues and associated risks).
    • Implement intervention with reference to theoretical models of intervention, taking into account the constraints and resources in the situation encountered.
    • Appropriately apply different types of intervention.
  • Communicate and exchange information in a structured and adapted way to the intended purpose and relevant public.
    • Present and structure data in a clear, precise, neutral, and non-oriented way.
    • Present the results of a diagnostic evaluation (orally and in writing) and inform various representatives.
    • Write a report arguing over an intervention (including evaluation).
  • Work effectively with different actors as part of a team or a network of professionals.
    • Identify professional networks, interact and collaborate with them, and research external expertise if necessary.
  • Act ethically and professionally.
    • Refer to ethical principles to define the framework of their professional practice.
  • Assess and pursue professional and personal development.
    • Monitor knowledge and methodological approaches in order to evolve their thinking and practice.

Learning Outcomes of UE

At the end of the lectures, students will be able to describe the main methods of clinical intervention with the infant and the young child. They will be able to use a number of them. One of the purpose of the lectures will be to establish links between typical clinical situations and methods of assessment and intervention    

Content of UE

1. Prenatal intervention 2. Infant development 3. Evaluation of early interactions 4. Relational withdrawal screening 5. Support atypical families 6. Psychological care of infant and young child    

Prior Experience

Not applicable

Type of Assessment for UE in Q1

  • Written examination

Q1 UE Assessment Comments

Not applicable

Type of Assessment for UE in Q3

  • Written examination

Q3 UE Assessment Comments

Not applicable

Type of Resit Assessment for UE in Q1 (BAB1)

  • N/A

Q1 UE Resit Assessment Comments (BAB1)

Not applicable

Type of Teaching Activity/Activities

AAType of Teaching Activity/Activities
  • Cours magistraux
  • Travaux pratiques
  • Etudes de cas

Mode of delivery

AAMode of delivery
  • Face to face

Required Reading


Required Learning Resources/Tools

AARequired Learning Resources/Tools
P-SPCE-164Not applicable

Recommended Reading


Recommended Learning Resources/Tools

AARecommended Learning Resources/Tools
P-SPCE-164Not applicable

Other Recommended Reading

AAOther Recommended Reading
P-SPCE-164Not applicable

Grade Deferrals of AAs from one year to the next

AAGrade Deferrals of AAs from one year to the next
(*) HT : Hours of theory - HTPE : Hours of in-class exercices - HTPS : hours of practical work - HD : HMiscellaneous time - HR : Hours of remedial classes. - Per. (Period), Y=Year, Q1=1st term et Q2=2nd term
Date de génération : 11/01/2018
20, place du Parc, B7000 Mons - Belgique
Tél: +32 (0)65 373111