Study programme 2018-2019Français
Warocqué School of Business and Economics
Master's Degree in Economic and Social Policy Professional Focus - Social Politics (Mons)
Show AAs
Bloc 1Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
Core curriculum
Courses required
UW-M1-POECSO-009-M Economic Policies - Part 1301500045Q144
UW-M1-POECSO-010-M Economic Policies - Part 2301500045Q244
UW-M1-POECSO-001-M Sustainable Development and Production30000030Q144
UW-M1-POECSO-002-M Social Security Systems, Inequality and Poverty30000030Q144
UW-M1-POECSO-011-M Social Economics30000030Q233
UW-M1-POECSO-013-M Labour Economics Seminar01500015Q222
UW-M1-POECSO-014-M Social Policy30000030Q144
UW-M1-POECSO-015-M Social Policy Seminar04000040Q255
UW-M1-POECSO-016-M Economic Policy Seminar - Part 101800018Q122
UW-M1-POECSO-019-M Economic Policy Seminar - Part 201800018Q233
UW-M1-POECSO-017-M Econo281200040Q244
UW-M1-POECSO-020-M Projet de mémoire6600012Y11
Optional Educational Component (UE) (elective)
UW-M1-POECSO-003-M Business English (level B2) - Part 1 Corequis25000025Q111
UW-M1-POECSO-004-M Business English (level B2) - Part 2 Corequis20000020Q222
UW-M1-POECSO-005-M Español de los negocios - Parte 1 Corequis16000016Q111
UW-M1-POECSO-006-M Español de los negocios - Parte 2 Corequis14000014Q211
UW-M1-POECSO-007-M Zakelijk Nederlands - Deel 1 Corequis16000016Q111
UW-M1-POECSO-008-M Zakelijk Nederlands - Deel 2 Corequis14000014Q211
Enseignements obligatoires spécifiques à la finalité spécialisée en socio-politique
UW-M1-POSOPO-026-M Political Analysis30000030Q244
UW-M1-POSOPO-027-M Sociological Analysis453000075Q21212
UW-M1-POSOPO-028-M European Funding30000030Q244
Bloc 2Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
Core curriculum
Courses required50
UW-M2-POECSO-004-M Master Thesis Prérequis000000Y2020
UW-M2-POECSO-001-M Outils de model453000075Q188
UW-M2-POECSO-002-M Intelligence territoriale collective45000045Q166
UW-M2-POECSO-003-M European Affairs50000050Q155
UW-M2-POECSO-005-M Placement or Cross-disciplinary Project000000Q21010
UW-M2-POECSO-018-M Connaissance des administrations publiques15000015Q111
Optional Educational Component (UE) (elective)
UW-M2-POECSO-012-M English Communication Seminars Prérequis30000030Q122
UW-M2-POECSO-013-M Seminarios de comunicacion en español Prérequis30000030Q133
UW-M2-POECSO-014-M Zakelijke communicatie Nederlands Prérequis30000030Q133
Enseignements obligatoires spécifiques à la finalité spécialisée en socio-politique
UW-M2-POSOPO-010-M Matters of Political and Social Sciences203000050Q177
UW-M2-POSOPO-011-M Environment151500030Q133
Bloc ComplémentaireHours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
Core curriculum
UW-MC-POECSO-001-M Political Economics - Part 124000024Q122
UW-MC-POECSO-002-M Political Economics - Part 2 and 336000036Q244
UW-MC-POECSO-004-M General Accounting301500045Q144
UW-MC-POECSO-005-M Statistics in Economics and Management201000030Q144
UW-MC-POECSO-009-M History of Contemporary Belgium30000030Q144
UW-MC-POECSO-010-M Public and Administrative Law30000030Q244
UW-MC-POECSO-011-M Labour Economics30000030Q144
UW-MC-POECSO-013-M Scientific Workshop900009Q122
UW-MC-POECSO-003-M Public Finance281200040Q144
UW-MC-POECSO-012-M Public Finance281200040Q144
Pre-requisites for the specialist focus on Management of Economic and Social Politics 5
UW-MC-POECSO-006-M Civil Law45000045Q155
Pre-requisites for the specialist focus on Social Politics 4
UW-MC-POECSO-008-M History of Political Thought30000030Q144
Prérequis à la finalité spécialisée en gestion des collectivités territoriales5
(*) HT : Hours of theory - HTPE : Hours of in-class exercices - HTPS : hours of practical work - HD : HMiscellaneous time - HR : Hours of remedial classes. - Per. (Period), Y=Year, Q1=1st term et Q2=2nd term
Please note, the course titles given here are translations of the original titles and are provided in English for information only. In order to know in which language the course will be taught, please refer to the French page. There, the titles provided in French indicate that the course is taught in French and the titles provided in English indicate that the course is taught in English.
Date de génération : 25/06/2018
20, place du Parc, B7000 Mons - Belgique
Tél: +32 (0)65 373111