Study programme 2018-2019 | Français | ||
Participatory Research Methods | |||
Programme component of Master's Degree in Education Professional Focus - Social Action à la Faculty of Psychology and Education |
Code | Type | Head of UE | Department’s contact details | Teacher(s) |
UP-M1-MEDUAS-005-M | Compulsory UE | JAMOULLE Pascale | P330 - Sciences de la Famille |
Language of instruction | Language of assessment | HT(*) | HTPE(*) | HTPS(*) | HR(*) | HD(*) | Credits | Weighting | Term |
| Français | 10 | 10 | 10 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 5.00 | 1st term |
AA Code | Teaching Activity (AA) | HT(*) | HTPE(*) | HTPS(*) | HR(*) | HD(*) | Term | Weighting |
P-SESF-007 | Participatory Research Methods | 10 | 10 | 10 | 0 | 0 | Q1 | 100.00% |
Programme component |
Objectives of Programme's Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes of UE
- Conducting an exploratory research among people living in precarious situations and/or migrants ;
- Starting a fieldwork, building a research problem with their interlocutors.
- Collecting data from different sources (documentary analysis, informal interviews, life stories, ethnographical descriptions, group interviews with feedback…)
- Rigorously interpreting these data ;
- Processing epistemological, ethical and methodological questions raised up during enquiries;
- Moving off-center, taking in consideration conceptions and personal experiences of migrants, people and families from precarious situations;
- Using logics of participatory research, questioning professional practices and public policies.
Content of UE
Taking part in the development of researches founded on the meeting and participatory observation: meaning of enquiries, field, building of problems, ethical questions.
Crossing methodologies: ethnographical descriptions, interviews and life stories, private archives, participatory dynamics and group interviews.
Interpretating, writing : crossed interpretations, writing phase, anonymity, professional confidence.
Prior Experience
Not applicable
Type of Assessment for UE in Q1
Q1 UE Assessment Comments
Students will carry out a field enquiry in precarious backgrounds. They will realize a writing work and an oral presentation.
Type of Assessment for UE in Q3
Q3 UE Assessment Comments
Students will carry out a field enquiry in precarious backgrounds. They will realize a writing work and an oral presentation.
Type of Resit Assessment for UE in Q1 (BAB1)
Q1 UE Resit Assessment Comments (BAB1)
Students will carry out a field enquiry in precarious backgrounds. They will realize a writing work and an oral presentation.
Type of Teaching Activity/Activities
AA | Type of Teaching Activity/Activities |
P-SESF-007 |
Mode of delivery
AA | Mode of delivery |
P-SESF-007 |
Required Reading
AA | |
P-SESF-007 |
Required Learning Resources/Tools
AA | Required Learning Resources/Tools |
P-SESF-007 | - Pascale JAMOULLE, « Une anthropologie impliquée en santé mentale », dans Hermesse J., Singleton M., Veuillemenot A.-M. (dir.) Implications et explorations éthiques en anthropologie, Academia/L’Harmattan, 2011, pp. 159-175. |
Recommended Reading
AA | |
P-SESF-007 |
Recommended Learning Resources/Tools
AA | Recommended Learning Resources/Tools |
P-SESF-007 | - Christian GHASARIAN (dir.), « Sur les chemins de l’anthropologie réflexive » dans Christian GHASARIAN, De l’ethnographie à l’anthropologie réflexive. Nouveaux terrains, nouvelles pratiques, nouveaux enjeux, Armand Colin, Paris, 2004, pp. 5-34. - Jean-Pierre OLIVIER DE SARDAN, La politique du terrain. Sur la production des données en anthropologie, Enquête, n°1, 1995 - Jean-Pierre OLIVIER DE SARDAN, La violence faite aux données. De quelques figures de la surinterprétation en anthropologie, Enquête n° 3, pp.31-59. |
Other Recommended Reading
AA | Other Recommended Reading |
P-SESF-007 | - Daniel BERTAUX, Les récits de vie, Nathan, 1997 - Jeanne FAVRET-SAADA, « Etre affecté », Gradhiva, n°8, 1990. - Clifford GEERTZ, « Du point de vue de l’indigène. Sur la nature de la compréhension anthropologique » dans Clifford GEERTZ, Savoir global, savoir local, Les lieux du savoir, Paris, PUF, 2012 (1986), pp 71 à 90. |
Grade Deferrals of AAs from one year to the next
AA | Grade Deferrals of AAs from one year to the next |
P-SESF-007 | Authorized |