Study programme 2020-2021 | Français | ||
Elements of Economic Anthropology | |||
Programme component of Bachelor's in Human and Social Sciences à l"School of Human and Social Sciences |
Students are asked to consult the ECTS course descriptions for each learning activity (AA) to know what special Covid-19 assessment methods are possibly planned for the end of Q3 |
Code | Type | Head of UE | Department’s contact details | Teacher(s) |
UH-B3-SCHUMS-033-M | Compulsory UE | COGELS Serge | H940 - Sociologie et Anthropologie |
Language of instruction | Language of assessment | HT(*) | HTPE(*) | HTPS(*) | HR(*) | HD(*) | Credits | Weighting | Term |
| Français | 30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 4.00 | 1st term |
AA Code | Teaching Activity (AA) | HT(*) | HTPE(*) | HTPS(*) | HR(*) | HD(*) | Term | Weighting |
H-SANT-200 | Elements of Economic Anthropology | 30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Q1 | 100.00% |
Programme component | ||
UH-B1-SCHUMS-017-M Social Anthropology | ||
UH-B1-SCHUMS-018-M Sociology |
Objectives of Programme's Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes of UE
At the end of the class, students will be able to relativize their absolute certainties concerning the economy. They will be able to perceive the limits and the issues generated by the mere transposition of their knowledge to different societies, where the "economic fact" is of a strikingly different as that which is observed in the frame of the monetarized market economy. Doing so, they will be forced to acknowledge that there exist various rationalities and will be steered towards deconstructing several commonplaces (that of rarity, notably) as well as establishing links between social dynamics (kinship, for instance) and economic behaviour.
Content of UE
5 themes are tackled during the class:
-access to natural resources and to production means
-timetable and proceedings of work processes
-circulation and redistribution of the work products
-modes of consumption and expenditure
- the creation of valor and the commoditization process
They are approached through five lessons:
Lesson 1: Hunter-Gatherers societies: the issue of resources rarity/abundance and of cultural choices
Lesson 2: Farmer Societies: subsistence and cash crop agricultures
Lesson 3: Reciprocity and Market: logic and forms of gift and counter-gift
Lesson 4: Logics halfway between barter, market economy and gift: consumption and expense behaviors
Lesson 5: Cultural objects and commodities, the biography of things, exchange spheres
Prior Experience
Not applicable
Type of Assessment for UE in Q1
Q1 UE Assessment Comments
The exam consists in 4 of 5 open questions + one question with fact/fiction proposals. The final score highly depends upon the ability the student will demonstrate in restituting the contents appropriately, and his capability to build links with content of readings (required to be done during the teaching period)
Type of Assessment for UE in Q3
Q3 UE Assessment Comments
Same as Q1
Type of Resit Assessment for UE in Q1 (BAB1)
Q1 UE Resit Assessment Comments (BAB1)
not applicable
Type of Teaching Activity/Activities
AA | Type of Teaching Activity/Activities |
H-SANT-200 |
Mode of delivery
AA | Mode of delivery |
H-SANT-200 |
Required Reading
AA | |
H-SANT-200 |
Required Learning Resources/Tools
AA | Required Learning Resources/Tools |
H-SANT-200 | Not applicable |
Recommended Reading
AA | |
H-SANT-200 |
Recommended Learning Resources/Tools
AA | Recommended Learning Resources/Tools |
H-SANT-200 | Not applicable |
Other Recommended Reading
AA | Other Recommended Reading |
H-SANT-200 | Descola, Philippe. 1986. La Nature domestique : symbolisme et praxis dans l écologie des Achuar. Publié par la Fondation Singer-Polignac. Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l Homme. Godelier, Maurice. 1996 (1982). La production des grands hommes. Pouvoir et domination masculine chez les Baruya de Nouvelle-Guinée. Paris : Fayard. Malinowski, Bronislaw. 1963(1922). Les Argonautes du Pacifique occidental, Paris, Gallimard. Mauss, Marcel. 1999[1923]. Essai sur le don. Forme et raison de l'échange dans les sociétés archaïques. In Mauss, Marcel,Sociologie et anthropologie, 143-279. Paris: Quadrige/Presses Universitaires de France. |
Grade Deferrals of AAs from one year to the next
AA | Grade Deferrals of AAs from one year to the next |
H-SANT-200 | Authorized |