Study programme 2021-2022 | Français | ||
Architecture & Philosophy | |||
Programme component of Bachelor's in Engineering: Architectural Engineering à la Faculty of Engineering |
Code | Type | Head of UE | Department’s contact details | Teacher(s) |
UI-B1-IRCIVA-007-M | Compulsory UE | PREGARDIEN Michel | F803 - Génie Architectural et Urbain |
Language of instruction | Language of assessment | HT(*) | HTPE(*) | HTPS(*) | HR(*) | HD(*) | Credits | Weighting | Term |
| Français | 102 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 8.00 | Année |
AA Code | Teaching Activity (AA) | HT(*) | HTPE(*) | HTPS(*) | HR(*) | HD(*) | Term | Weighting |
I-ARCH-001 | Introduction to Architecture | 36 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Q1 | 37.50% |
I-ARCH-008 | History of Architecture | 36 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Q1 | 37.50% |
W-DDIV-001 | Philosophy and Social Sciences - AAEP | 30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Q2 | 25.00% |
Programme component |
Objectives of Programme's Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes of UE
cf AA
Content of UE
cf AA
Prior Experience
not applicable
Type of Assessment for UE in Q1
Q1 UE Assessment Comments
Not applicable
Type of Assessment for UE in Q2
Q2 UE Assessment Comments
Not applicable
Type of Assessment for UE in Q3
Q3 UE Assessment Comments
Not applicable
Type of Resit Assessment for UE in Q1 (BAB1)
Q1 UE Resit Assessment Comments (BAB1)
Not applicable
Type of Teaching Activity/Activities
AA | Type of Teaching Activity/Activities |
I-ARCH-001 |
I-ARCH-008 |
W-DDIV-001 |
Mode of delivery
AA | Mode of delivery |
I-ARCH-001 |
I-ARCH-008 |
W-DDIV-001 |
Required Reading
AA | |
I-ARCH-001 | |
I-ARCH-008 | |
W-DDIV-001 |
Required Learning Resources/Tools
AA | Required Learning Resources/Tools |
I-ARCH-001 | Book : Villas du XXe siècle. Evolution et interaction de schèmes de composition. JC Cornesse, M. Prégardien, Les éditions de l'Université de Liège Vidéos |
I-ARCH-008 | - LLOYD/H. W. MÜLLER/R. MARTIN, Architecture de l'Antiquité (Histoire mondiale de l'architecture, dirigée par Pier Luigi Nervi), Berger-Levrault, Paris, 1980. - WARD-PERKINS J.-B., Architecture romaine, (Histoire mondiale de l'architecture, dirigée par Pier Luigi Nervi), Berger-Levrault, Paris, 1983. - KUBACH H. E., Architecture romane, (Histoire mondiale de l'architecture, dirigée par Pier Luigi Nervi), Nancy, Berger-Levrault, 1981. - GRODECKI L., Architecture gothique, (Histoire mondiale de l'architecture, dirigée par Pier Luigi Nervi), Paris, Gallimard, 1992. - MURRAY P., Architecture de la Renaissance (Histoire de l'architecture), Gallimard/Electa, 1992. - NORBERG-SCHULZ Ch., Architecture baroque (Histoire de l'architecture), Gallimard/Electa, 1992. - NORBERG-SCHULZ Ch., Architecture baroque tardive et rococo (Histoire de l'architecture), Gallimard/Electa, 1994. |
W-DDIV-001 | Syllabus |
Recommended Reading
AA | Recommended Reading |
I-ARCH-001 | |
I-ARCH-008 | |
W-DDIV-001 | Note de cours - Philosophie en rapport avec les sciences humaines - Martin Mees |
Recommended Learning Resources/Tools
AA | Recommended Learning Resources/Tools |
I-ARCH-001 | Not applicable |
I-ARCH-008 | Provision of the chapters of future syllabus of lesson on MODDLE in the course of the quadrimainmast and vidéos on the channel HISTARCHI on Teams. |
W-DDIV-001 | powerpoints + texts |
Other Recommended Reading
AA | Other Recommended Reading |
I-ARCH-001 | Not applicable |
I-ARCH-008 | - E. D'ALFONSO, D. SAMSA, L'architecture : les formes, les styles de l'Antiquité à nos jours, Solar, Paris, 2006. - DEMEULEMEESTER J., LELEMAN M.-Ch., LEMEUNIER A., PIAVAUX M., Architecture romane en Belgique, Racine, 2000. - BUYLE M., COOMANS Th., GENICOT L.-Fr., Architecture gothique en Belgique, Racine, 1997. - R. TIJS, Architecture renaissance et baroque, Racine, 1999. - L. DHONDT, J-Ch. HUBERT, Ch. VACHAUDEZ, J. F. VAN CLEVEN, D. VAN DE VIJVER, Architecture du XVIIIe siècle en Belgique, Racine, 1998. |
W-DDIV-001 | Not applicable |
Grade Deferrals of AAs from one year to the next
AA | Grade Deferrals of AAs from one year to the next |
I-ARCH-001 | Authorized |
I-ARCH-008 | Authorized |
W-DDIV-001 | Unauthorized |