Study programme 2023-2024Français
Mathematical Analysis Project (List A)
Programme component of Master's in Mathematics (MONS) (day schedule) à la Faculty of Science

CodeTypeHead of UE Department’s
contact details
US-M1-SCMATH-001-MOptional UEMENET QuentinS844 - Probabilité et statistique
  • MENET Quentin

of instruction
of assessment
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HR(*) HD(*) CreditsWeighting Term
  • Français

AA CodeTeaching Activity (AA) HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HR(*) HD(*) Term Weighting
S-MATH-031Mathematical analysis project: introduction100000Q1
S-MATH-131Mathematical analysis project: Works2009000A

Overall mark : the assessments of each AA result in an overall mark for the UE.
Programme component

Objectives of Programme's Learning Outcomes

  • Have integrated and elaborate mathematical knowledge.
    • Mobilise the Bachelor's course in mathematics to address complex issues and have profound mathematical expertise to complement the knowledge developed in the Bachelor's course.
    • Use prior knowledge to independently learn high-level mathematics.
    • Research mathematical literature in an efficient and relevant way.
    • Read research articles in at least one discipline of mathematics.
  • Carry out major projects.
    • Independently carry out a major project related to mathematics or mathematical applications. This entails taking into account the complexity of the project, its objectives and the resources available to carry it out.
    • Appropriately use bibliographic resources for the intended purpose.
    • Present the objectives and results of a project orally and in writing.
  • Communicate clearly.
    • Communicate the results of mathematical or related fields, both orally and in writing, by adapting to the public.
    • make a structured and reasoned presentation of the content and principles underlying a piece of work, mobilised skills and the conclusions it leads to.
  • Adapt to different contexts.
    • Have developed a high degree of independence to acquire additional knowledge and new skills to evolve in different contexts.
    • Demonstrate thoroughness, independence, creativity, intellectual honesty, and ethical values.

Learning Outcomes of UE

Ability to appropriate independently a mathematical subject and to present it in a clear and structured way.

UE Content: description and pedagogical relevance

Introduction to different areas of mathematical analysis.
Autonomous discovery of a field of mathematical analysis and presentation of analysis subjects related to this field.

Prior Experience

Mastery of the foundations of mathematical analysis. 

Type(s) and mode(s) of Q1 UE assessment

  • Oral presentation - Face-to-face

Q1 UE Assessment Comments

The evaluation in Q1 will be done throughout the semester through the presentations made during this period.

Method of calculating the overall mark for the Q1 UE assessment

The overall score for the Q1 assessment is based on all the presentations and work done during Q1.

Type(s) and mode(s) of Q1 UE resit assessment (BAB1)

  • N/A - Néant

Q1 UE Resit Assessment Comments (BAB1)

Not applicable

Method of calculating the overall mark for the Q1 UE resit assessment

Not applicable

Type(s) and mode(s) of Q2 UE assessment

  • Oral presentation - Face-to-face

Q2 UE Assessment Comments

The evaluation in Q2 will be done through the presentations made during the year.

Method of calculating the overall mark for the Q2 UE assessment

The overall grade is based on all the presentations and work carried out during the year.

Type(s) and mode(s) of Q3 UE assessment

  • Oral presentation - Face-to-face

Q3 UE Assessment Comments

The student must submit a written work describing all the presentations made during the year and be able to present any part of this work during an oral test.

Method of calculating the overall mark for the Q3 UE assessment

The overall grade of the EU is based on the written work and the presentation made for Q3.

Type of Teaching Activity/Activities

AAType of Teaching Activity/Activities
  • Cours magistraux
  • Cours magistraux
  • Conférences
  • Préparations, travaux, recherches d'information

Mode of delivery

AAMode of delivery
  • Face-to-face
  • Face-to-face

Required Learning Resources/Tools

AARequired Learning Resources/Tools
S-MATH-031The blackboard
S-MATH-131The blackboard

Recommended Learning Resources/Tools

AARecommended Learning Resources/Tools
S-MATH-031Not applicable
S-MATH-131Not applicable

Other Recommended Reading

AAOther Recommended Reading
S-MATH-031Not applicable
S-MATH-131Not applicable
(*) HT : Hours of theory - HTPE : Hours of in-class exercices - HTPS : hours of practical work - HD : HMiscellaneous time - HR : Hours of remedial classes. - Per. (Period), Y=Year, Q1=1st term et Q2=2nd term
Date de dernière mise à jour de la fiche ECTS par l'enseignant : 20/03/2023
Date de dernière génération automatique de la page : 18/05/2024
20, place du Parc, B7000 Mons - Belgique
Tél: +32 (0)65 373111