Study programme 2024-2025Français
Faculty of Engineering
Bachelor's in Engineering: Architectural Engineering (MONS) (day schedule)
  • Panel Chairperson : Véronique FELDHEIM
  • Panel Secretary : Laurent DEBAILLEUX
Show AAs
Bloc 1Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
Courses required
UI-B1-IRCIVA-001-M Introduction to Architectural Engineering Skills481200060Q255
UI-B1-IRCIVA-002-M Differential Geometry, Technical Drawings and Computer Graphics242800860Q155
UI-B1-IRCIVA-003-M Engineering Mathematics 1444400896Q188
UI-B1-IRCIVA-004-M Engineering Mathematics 2323200872Q266
UI-B1-IRCIVA-005-M Theoretical Mechanics I393600984Q1,Q277
UI-B1-IRCIVA-006-M General Physics322800060Q1,Q255
UI-B1-IRCIVA-007-M Architecture & Philosophy90600096Q1,Q288
UI-B1-IRCIVA-008-M Architecture Project & Graphic Communication08400084Q177
UI-B1-IRCIVA-009-M Architecture Project & Oral Communication127200084Q277
UI-B1-IRCIVA-011-M English for Engineers 136000036Q1,Q222
Méthodologie du travail universitaire
UI-B1-IRCIVA-100-M Academic Learning Skills - Q1050400090Q1
UI-B1-IRCIVA-200-M Academic Learning Skills - Q20754000115Q2
Remedical teaching
UI-B1-IRCIVA-701-M Academic Learning Skills - Q1050400090Q1
UI-B1-IRCIVA-702-M Aide à la réussite - Q20754000115Q2
Bloc 2Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
Courses required
UI-B2-IRCIVA-001-M Integrated Architecture Project and Sustainable Design Prérequis Corequis127200084Q177
UI-B2-IRCIVA-002-M Integrated Architecture Project and Structural Design Corequis127200084Q277
UI-B2-IRCIVA-003-M Architecture in Context Prérequis68400072Q166
UI-B2-IRCIVA-004-M Structural Mechanics Prérequis324000072Q166
UI-B2-IRCIVA-005-M Architectonique et technologie du gros-oeuvre y compris stage de terrain36363600108Q266
UI-B2-IRCIVA-016-M Geology of surface formations168012036Q222
UI-B2-IRCIVA-026-M Materials and sustainable development361203051Q244
UI-B2-IRCIVA-008-M Data Structures and Algorithms223000860Q255
UI-B2-IRCIVA-009-M Applied Mathematics Prérequis Corequis241200036Q133
UI-B2-IRCIVA-010-M Theoretical Mechanics II Prérequis Corequis303000060Q155
UI-B2-IRCIVA-011-M Thermodynamics Corequis363600072Q1,Q266
UI-B2-IRCIVA-013-M English for Engineers II Prérequis48000048Q1,Q233
Bloc 3Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
Courses required
UI-B3-IRCIVA-001-M Projet d'architecture 5 - Equipements collectifs Prérequis Corequis127200084Q177
UI-B3-IRCIVA-002-M Projet intégré d'architecture et Interventions dans l'existant Corequis127200084Q277
UI-B3-IRCIVA-003-M Contemporary Architecture in Given Contexts Prérequis360036072Q233
UI-B3-IRCIVA-004-M Urban Planning24000024Q122
UI-B3-IRCIVA-005-M Structural Mechanics and Finite Element Method Prérequis363600072Q166
UI-B3-IRCIVA-006-M Stability of Builldings - Part 1 Prérequis241200036Q133
UI-B3-IRCIVA-007-M Stability of Builldings - Part 2 Prérequis Corequis361200048Q244
UI-B3-IRCIVA-008-M Architectonics and Completions Technology Prérequis48000048Q144
UI-B3-IRCIVA-009-M Heat Transfer in Buildings Prérequis301800048Q144
UI-B3-IRCIVA-010-M Buildings Electricity Prérequis141000024Q222
UI-B3-IRCIVA-011-M Materials and Ecodesign Corequis303000060Q255
UI-B3-IRCIVA-012-M Elements of Chemistry and Water Treatments321006048Q144
UI-B3-IRCIVA-013-M Topography Prérequis Corequis121200024Q222
UI-B3-IRCIVA-014-M Businesses on the Market24000024Q222
UI-B3-IRCIVA-015-M Probability and Statistics Prérequis Corequis16800024Q222
UI-B3-IRCIVA-016-M English for Engineering III Prérequis242400048Q1,Q233
Enseignements complémentaires0
UI-B3-IRCIVA-722-M Scientific Topics in Engineering000000Y22
UI-B3-IRCIVA-723-M Advanced Scientific Topics in Engineering000000Y33
(*) HT : Hours of theory - HTPE : Hours of in-class exercices - HTPS : hours of practical work - HD : HMiscellaneous time - HR : Hours of remedial classes. - Per. (Period), Y=Year, Q1=1st term et Q2=2nd term
Please note, the course titles given here are translations of the original titles and are provided in English for information only. In order to know in which language the course will be taught, please refer to the French page. There, the titles provided in French indicate that the course is taught in French and the titles provided in English indicate that the course is taught in English.
Date de génération : 13/03/2025
20, place du Parc, B7000 Mons - Belgique
Tél: +32 (0)65 373111