Study programme 2024-2025Français
Faculty of Science
Master's in Mathematics : Teaching Focus (MONS) (day schedule)
  • Panel Chairperson : Stéphanie BRIDOUX
  • Panel Secretary : Marc DEMEUSE
Show AAs
Bloc 1Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
common structure to all the purposes of the Master in Mathematical Sciences (Block 1)60
Mathematics Courses - Main List36
US-M1-SCMATH-001-M Mathematical Analysis Project (List A)24247200120Q1,Y1212
US-M1-SCMATH-002-M Project - Digital Analysis of Differential Equations (List A)24247200120Q1,Y1212
US-M1-SCMATH-004-M Project - Teaching Mathematics and Related Disciplines24247200120Y1212
US-M1-SCMATH-003-M Algebraic Geometry Project (List A)24247200120Y1212
US-M1-SCMATH-005-M Effective Mathematics Project (List A)24247200120Y1212
US-M1-SCMATH-006-M Mathematical Logic Project and Model Theory II (List A)24247200120Y1212
US-M1-SCMATH-007-M Probability and Statistics Project (List A)24247200120Y1212
US-M1-SCMATH-048-M Project in formal methods for system design (List A)30187200120Q1,Q21212
US-M1-SCMATH-231-M Project in applied mathematics (List A)24247200120Y1212
US-M1-SCMATH-046-M Statistical methods (LIst A)361200048Q166
US-M1-SCMATH-232-M Algebraic structures and model theory (List A)1212360060Q266
Integrated Project
US-M1-SCMATH-014-M Integrated Project 3000000Y33
US-M1-SCMATH-037-M Integrated Project I 6 ects000000Y66
US-M1-SCMATH-049-M Integrated Project II 6 ects000000Y66
US-M1-SCMATH-050-M Integrated Project III 6 ects000000Y66
US-M1-SCMATH-051-M Integrated Project I 9 ects000000Y99
US-M1-SCMATH-052-M Integrated Project II 9 ects000000Y99
US-M1-SCMATH-053-M Integrated Project à 12 ects000000Y1212
US-M1-SCMATH-009-M Integrated Project 18 ects000000Y1818
Optional Course18
Computer Science
US-M1-SCMATH-010-M Software Evolution2412120048Q266
US-M1-SCMATH-013-M Computability and Complexity (List A)242400048Q266
US-M1-SCMATH-015-M Selected topics in computer networking242400048Q166
US-M1-SCMATH-017-M Multi-Criteria Decision Making121200024Q244
US-M1-SCMATH-019-M Graphs and Combinatorial Optimisation421800060Q144
US-M1-SCMATH-021-M Operational Research Modelling Workshop124800060Q166
US-M1-SCMATH-031-M Econometrics18900027Q166
US-M1-SCMATH-034-M Financial Markets and Portfolio Management12900021Q233
US-M1-SCMATH-035-M Company Finance271500042Q166
US-M1-SCMATH-036-M Financial management12900021Q133
US-M1-SCMATH-038-M Advanced Microeconomics19800027Q133
US-M1-SCMATH-039-M Modeling and production management24300027Q244
US-M1-SCMATH-042-M Statistical Data Analysis181800036Q144
US-M1-SCMATH-132-M Entrepreunership & business plan Corequis152700042Q266
US-M1-SCMATH-133-M Entrepreunership, creativity and business model Corequis152700042Q166
US-M1-SCMATH-141-M Derivated financial products15600021Q133
US-M1-SCMATH-200-M International Finance271500042Q166
Optimisation and Management
US-M1-SCMATH-022-M Multi-Criteria Decision Making121200024Q244
US-M1-SCMATH-024-M Graphs and Combinatorial Optimisation421800060Q144
US-M1-SCMATH-025-M Models and methods in Data Sciences121200024Q133
US-M1-SCMATH-026-M Linear Optimisation141400028Q144
US-M1-SCMATH-027-M Operational Research Modelling Workshop124800060Q166
Artificial intelligence and big data
US-M1-SCMATH-054-M Graphs and artificial intelligence201000030Q155
US-M1-SCMATH-055-M Advanced Topics in Machine Learning and Data Science303000060Q266
US-M1-SCMATH-056-M Knowledge representation and reasoning242400048Q266
US-M1-SCMATH-057-M challenges in artificial intelligence123600048Q166
US-M1-SCMATH-058-M Advanced and Streaming AI303000060Q155
Foreign Languages
US-M1-SCMATH-044-M English for Scientific Communication30000030Q1,Q233
Language lessons for non French native speakers
US-M1-SCMATH-150-M French foreign language 160000060Q166
US-M1-SCMATH-151-M French as a Foreign Language60000060Q266
US-M1-SCMATH-045-M Elementary Mathematics (List A)18000018Q233
US-M1-SCMATH-047-M Philosophy of Science12000012Q122
US-M1-SCMATH-060-M Didactique de l'analyse dans la transition secondaire-université18000018Q233
Bloc 2Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
Master Thesis30
US-M2-SCMATH-001-M Master Thesis000000Y3030
Courses Specific to Specialist Focus30
Teaching Skills
US-M2-MATHFD-003-M Educational Assessment30000030Q122
Main Discipline
US-M2-MATHFD-004-M Seminar: Special Methodology for Mathematics451500060Y55
Secondary Discipline
US-M2-MATHFD-005-M Seminar: Special Methodology for Physics01500015Y22
Socio-cultural Skills and Neutrality of Education4
US-M2-MATHFD-001-M Structure of Higher Education in the French Community of Belgium35000035Q122
US-M2-MATHFD-002-M Sociological Issues in Compulsory Education151500030Q122
Socio-affective and Relational Skills
US-M2-MATHFD-006-M Approaches to Youth, School Life and Group and behavior Management30000030Q122
Pratical competences
US-M2-MATHFD-007-M Micro-Teaching and Analysing Teaching Practices00200020Y11
US-M2-MATHFD-008-M Preparatory Training for Working in Schools00100010Y11
Main Discipline
US-M2-MATHFD-009-M Preparatory Training for Teaching Mathematics00350035Y22
US-M2-MATHFD-010-M Work Placement: Teaching Mathematics00350035Y77
Secondary Discipline
US-M2-MATHFD-011-M Preparatory Training for Teaching Physics00100010Y22
US-M2-MATHFD-012-M Work Placement: Teaching Physics00100010Y22
(*) HT : Hours of theory - HTPE : Hours of in-class exercices - HTPS : hours of practical work - HD : HMiscellaneous time - HR : Hours of remedial classes. - Per. (Period), Y=Year, Q1=1st term et Q2=2nd term
Please note, the course titles given here are translations of the original titles and are provided in English for information only. In order to know in which language the course will be taught, please refer to the French page. There, the titles provided in French indicate that the course is taught in French and the titles provided in English indicate that the course is taught in English.
Date de génération : 06/12/2024
20, place du Parc, B7000 Mons - Belgique
Tél: +32 (0)65 373111