Study programme 2024-2025 | Français | ||
Approaches to Young Adults and Adults | |||
Programme component of Advanced Master's in University and Higher Education Pedagogy (MONS) (adapted schedule) à la Faculty of Psychology and Education |
Code | Type | Head of UE | Department’s contact details | Teacher(s) |
UP-S1-MSPEDA-030-M | Optional UE | DUROISIN Natacha | B101 - Service Education et Sciences de lapprentissage |
Language of instruction | Language of assessment | HT(*) | HTPE(*) | HTPS(*) | HR(*) | HD(*) | Credits | Weighting | Term |
| Français | 30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 5.00 | 1st term |
AA Code | Teaching Activity (AA) | HT(*) | HTPE(*) | HTPS(*) | HR(*) | HD(*) | Term | Weighting |
F-SFEN-008 | School life - group and behaviour management | 15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Q1 | |
F-SFEN-009 | Approaches to Young Adults and Adults in Educational Contexts | 15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Q1 |
Programme component |
Objectives of Programme's Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes of UE
The theoretical contents addressed in this AA will lead students to be able to:
- to define, from a psychological point of view, the profile of young adults and adults in training;
- take into account the psychological aspects of (young) adults to identify the specificities of adult education;
- identify training methods that are effective and timely in relation to the objectives set;
- to design appropriate teaching devices for adults;
- manage and evaluate adult education by mastering certain assessment tools;
- to act ethically and ethically, taking into account the reference texts relating to adult education ;
- distinguish homogeneous / heterogeneous groups and understand their impact on the class group ;
- distinguish collaborative learning from cooperative learning and understand the influences on classroom management ;
- identify issues related to group management and group dynamics ;
- target psychosocial phenomena through observation, understanding and studying group and individual behaviour ;
- to understand the issues uniting school life and crisis situations (health crisis, terrorist attacks, etc.) and how to act in order to preserve well-being in education ;
- react in an appropriate manner with the group - Reflect on their own attitudes and favouring of certain modes of communication in interpersonal and group contexts ;
- analyse the main phenomena related to interpersonal relationships and interactions experienced in a class group, including interactions by technologies.
UE Content: description and pedagogical relevance
Young adults ; adults in training; teenager ; adult psychology; adult training; training methods; group management; weel being in education ; design of teaching devices; learning situations; learning modes; situated cognition, embodied cognition; training evaluation; assessment tools; educational and sociocultural approaches to adult learning; social and professional integration...
Prior Experience
Not applicable
Type(s) and mode(s) of Q1 UE assessment
Q1 UE Assessment Comments
Written test for the AA "School life and group management"
Reflective written work for the AA "Approach of young adults and adults in an educational context"
Method of calculating the overall mark for the Q1 UE assessment
The overall EU score is the average of the AA scores.
Type(s) and mode(s) of Q1 UE resit assessment (BAB1)
Q1 UE Resit Assessment Comments (BAB1)
Not applicable.
Method of calculating the overall mark for the Q1 UE resit assessment
Type(s) and mode(s) of Q3 UE assessment
Q3 UE Assessment Comments
Written test for the AA "School life and group management"
Reflective written work for the AA "Approach of young adults and adults in an educational context"
Method of calculating the overall mark for the Q3 UE assessment
The overall EU score is the average of the AA scores.
Type of Teaching Activity/Activities
AA | Type of Teaching Activity/Activities |
F-SFEN-008 |
F-SFEN-009 |
Mode of delivery
AA | Mode of delivery |
F-SFEN-008 |
F-SFEN-009 |
Required Learning Resources/Tools
AA | Required Learning Resources/Tools |
F-SFEN-008 | Not applicable |
F-SFEN-009 | Berthiaume, D. (2015). La pédagogie de l'enseignement supérieur : repères théoriques et applications pratiques (tomes 1 et 2), édition Peter Lang, Berne.#newline# Bourgeois E., Nizet J. (2005). Apprentissage et formation des adultes, Paris Puf.#newline# Boutinet, J. P. (2013). Psychologie de la vie adulte, Paris Puf.#newline# Danse C , Faulx D. (2015). Comment favoriser l'apprentissage des adultes, Bruxelles, De Boeck.#newline# Blakemore S. & Choudhury S. (2006). Development of the adolescent brain: implications for executive function and social cognition. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 47(3/4), 296-312.#newline# Devernay, M. & Viaux-Savelon, S. (2014). Développement neuropsychique de l'adolescent : les étapes à connaître. Réalités pédiatriques, 187. 1-7.#newline# Charras, K. et al. (2012). L'enfance et l'adolescence in situ : facteurs environnementaux facilitateurs et inhibiteurs de troubles. Pratiques psychologiques, 18, 353-372.#newline# Vincenzo, C. (2001). Les jeunes adultes comme objet théorique. Recherches et Prévisions, 65, 5-18.#newline# Gaudet, S. (2007). L'émergence de l'âge adulte, une nouvelle étape du parcours de vie. Implications pour le développement de politiques. Gouvernement du Canada.#newline# Boutinet, J. (2004). Que savons-nous sur cet adulte qui part en formation ?. Savoirs, 4(1), 9-49.#newline# Roquet, P. (2009). L'émergence de l'accompagnement, Recherche et formation, 62, 13-24.#newline# Barbier J. & Wittorski, R. (2015). La formation des adultes, lieu de recompositions ?, Revue française de pédagogie, 190, 5-14.#newline# Mayen P. et Olry, P. (2012). Expérience du travail et développement pour de jeunes adultes en formation professionnelle, Recherche et formation, 70, 163-178.#newline# Faulx, D. & Danse, C. (2016). L'évaluation de la formation : comment la rendre utile pour les participants ? Constats et proposition de cinq stratégies d'évaluation partenariale. Evaluer. Journal international de Recherche en Education et Formation, 2(1), pp. 37-52. |
Recommended Learning Resources/Tools
AA | Recommended Learning Resources/Tools |
F-SFEN-008 | Not applicable |
F-SFEN-009 | Jarvis, P. (2004). Adult education and lifelong learning: theory and practice, Routledge, Cambridge#newline# Rogers, A. (2002) Teaching adults, Open University Press,London#newline# Tennant, M.(2005) Psychology and adult learning, Routledge, Cambridge#newline# Van de Velde, C. (2008), Devenir adulte : sociologie comparée de la jeunesse en Europe, P.U.F, Paris#newline# Brun P. (2017). Une approche de l'andragogie: Construction avec l'andragogue de l'interface d'enseignement de l'adulte apprenant, édition L'harmattan,Paris. |
Other Recommended Reading
AA | Other Recommended Reading |
F-SFEN-008 | Vitali, C. (2015). Nouveaux enjeux pour La vie scolaire. Hachette Éducation.#newline# Gasparini, R. (2013). Un contexte tendu autour des questions de discipline. Dans : , R. Gasparini, (pp. 15-26). Paris cedex 14, France: Presses Universitaires de France.#newline# Monique, G., & Roland, G. (2023). Quand les connaissances scientifiques revisitent léducation, lenseignement et la vie scolaire. Editions Vérone.#newline# Gasparini, R. (2013). . Paris cedex 14, France: Presses Universitaires de France. doi:10.3917/puf.gaspa.2013.01.#newline# Perrenoud, P. (2000). Métier d'élève et sens du travail scolaire. Issy-les-Moulineaux : ESF.#newline# Perrenoud, P. (2011). #newline# Issy-les-Moulineaux : ESF, 221 p.#newline# de Saint Martin, C. (2012). Nommer les violences scolaires. Des incivilités au harcèlement scolaire. , 87(1), 119-126. doi:10.3917/lett.087.0119.#newline# Guillotte, A. (1999). . Paris cedex 14, France: Presses Universitaires de France. doi:10.3917/puf.guill.1999.01. |
F-SFEN-009 | Not applicable |