Study programme 2024-2025 | Français | ||
Météorologie | |||
Programme component of Master's in Physics (MONS) (day schedule) à la Faculty of Science |
Code | Type | Head of UE | Department’s contact details | Teacher(s) |
US-M1-SCPHYS-024-M | Optional UE | DEBAL Fabian |
Language of instruction | Language of assessment | HT(*) | HTPE(*) | HTPS(*) | HR(*) | HD(*) | Credits | Weighting | Term |
| Français | 15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 3.00 | 2nd term |
AA Code | Teaching Activity (AA) | HT(*) | HTPE(*) | HTPS(*) | HR(*) | HD(*) | Term | Weighting |
S-PHYS-028 | Meteorology | 15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Q2 | 100.00% |
Programme component |
Objectives of Programme's Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes of UE
At the end of this course, students will be able to establish and apply the fundamental equations of dynamic and thermodynamic to the physics of the atmosphere, in order to understand the different aspects of the main meteorological phenomena. They will also have discovered the field of operational weather forecasting, both from the point of view of the tools used and the applied methodology.
UE Content: description and pedagogical relevance
*Introduction: Vertical structure of the atmosphere and specific scales of weather phenomena;
*Atmospheric thermodynamic:
-thermodynamic of dry, wet and saturated air - representation of thermodynamic processes in the atmosphere (emagram 761) - condensation & precipitations processes - air mass indicators - atmospheric stability/instability;
+ link with/illustration by weather phenomena (clouds development and types, fog, precipitations types, convection and thunderstorms, Foehn phenomenon, and so on);
*Atmospheric dynamic:
-equation of motion (general form and expression in the meteorological reference system), hydrostatic balance, Laplace equation, pressure coordinate system - geostrophic/ageostrophic wind, gradient wind, impact of friction, thermal wind;
+ link with/illustration by weather phenomena (wind, wind deviations, sea breeze, jet-stream, and so on);
-equation of continuity;
-vorticity and equation of vorticity evolution (+ quasi-geostrophic approximation);
-vertical motions: omega equation + interpretation;
+ link with/illustration by weather phenomena (tornado, "thermal" and "dynamic" low/high pressure systems, cyclogenesis, frontogenesis & front types, ridges and throughs, and so on);
* Operational meteorology:
-observation tools (variables measurement and analysis, satellite pictures, RADAR, and so on) ;
-forecast methodology (at very short, short and medium range): extrapolation at very short term - numerical weather forecast models (deterministic and probabilistic forecast) - communication of weather forecast & warnings.
Prior Experience
-Basic notion of mechanic (equation of motion) in non inertial reference systems;
-Basic notion of ideal gas thermodynamic.
Type of Teaching Activity/Activities
AA | Type of Teaching Activity/Activities |
S-PHYS-028 |
Mode of delivery
AA | Mode of delivery |
S-PHYS-028 |
Required Reading
AA | Required Reading |
S-PHYS-028 | Note de cours - Partie 3 - Météorologie: Dynamique I - Fabian DEBAL ,Note de cours - Partie 4 - Météorologie: Dynamique II - Fabian DEBAL ,Note de cours - Partie 1 - Météorologie: Introduction - Fabian DEBAL ,Note de cours - Partie 2 - Météorologie: Thermodynamique - Fabian DEBAL |
Required Learning Resources/Tools
AA | Required Learning Resources/Tools |
S-PHYS-028 | Slides |
Recommended Learning Resources/Tools
AA | Recommended Learning Resources/Tools |
S-PHYS-028 | Not applicable |
Other Recommended Reading
AA | Other Recommended Reading |
S-PHYS-028 | 2005 : Malardel, Fondamentaux de Météorologie, Ed. Cépaduès, 2005. J.P. Triplet et G. Roche, Météorologie générale, Ed. Météo France (3ème édition), 1986. 1998 : Kurz, Synoptic Meteorology, Deutscher Wetterdienst, 1998. J.R. Holton, An introduction to Dynamic Meteorology, Ed. Elsevier, 2004. 1. Quinet, Quelques considérations de météorologie dynamique en relation avec l'interprétation des cartes synoptiques, IRM (Miscellanea Série C - n°19). 1995 : Allard, Mécanique de l'atmosphère, Régie des voies aériennes (Publication scientifique et technique n°007), 1995. 1995 : Allard, Thermodynamique de l'atmosphère, Régie des voies aériennes (Publication scientifique et technique n°005), 1995. 1995 : De Keyser, Les phénomènes, Régie des voies aériennes (Publication scientifique et technique n°004), 1995. 1994 : Santurette, Eléments pratiques de météorologie et de prévisions synoptiques, Ed. Météo France, 1994. 1993 : Roux, Le temps qu'il fait, Ed. Payot & Rivages, 1993. 1991 : Roux, Les orages (Météorologie des grains, de la grêle et des éclairs), Ed. Payot, 1991. 2005 : D. Ahrens, Essentials of Meteorology, Ed. Brooks/Cole (Thomson), 2005. 2003 : D. Potter et B. R. Colman, Handbook of Weather, Climate and Water, Ed. Wiley-Interscience, 2003. |
Grade Deferrals of AAs from one year to the next
AA | Grade Deferrals of AAs from one year to the next |
S-PHYS-028 | Unauthorized |
Term 2 Assessment - type
AA | Type(s) and mode(s) of Q2 assessment |
S-PHYS-028 |
Term 2 Assessment - comments
AA | Term 2 Assessment - comments |
S-PHYS-028 | Not applicable |
Term 3 Assessment - type
AA | Type(s) and mode(s) of Q3 assessment |
S-PHYS-028 |
Term 3 Assessment - comments
AA | Term 3 Assessment - comments |
S-PHYS-028 | Not applicable |