Study programme 2025-2026Français
Warocqué School of Business and Economics
Master's in Management : Specialist Focus (MONS) (day schedule)
  • Panel Chairperson : Mélanie CROQUET
  • Panel Secretary : Guillaume VERMEYLEN
Show AAs
Bloc 1Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
Tronc commun
Courses required
UW-M1-SCGEST-007-M Master Thesis Project31800021Y33
Cours de base au choix (2 UE de 3 crédits)6
Choix entre la version française et la version anglaise3
UW-M1-SCGEST-001-M Financial Management12900021Q133
UW-M1-SCGEST-025-M Corporate Finance12900021Q133
Choix entre la version française et la version anglaise3
UW-M1-SCGEST-035-M Consumer's Behavior14700021Q133
UW-M1-SCGEST-036-M Consumer's Behavior14700021Q133
UW-M1-SCGEST-037-M Financial Statement Analysis and Introduction to International Standards12900223Q133
UE au choix6
Combinaison A6
UW-M1-SCGEST-005-M Taxation - VAT & Corporation Tax101100021Q233
UW-M1-SCGEST-038-M Corporate Governance21000021Q133
Combinaison B6
UW-M1-SCGEST-039-M Advanced Econometrics271500042Q266
UE d'anglais - choix parmi les 2 UE:3
Job Hunting (Q1 ou Q2)3
UW-M1-SCGEST-006-M Job Hunting (Q1)21000021Q133
UW-M1-SCGEST-032-M Job Hunting (Q2)15600021Q233
Business Across Cultures (Q1 ou Q2)3
UW-M1-SCGEST-028-M Business Across Cultures (Q1)21000021Q133
UW-M1-SCGEST-033-M Business Across Cultures (Q2)15600021Q233
Module A au choix 21
Module A "General Management"21
UW-M1-SCGEST-071-M International Finance271500042Q166
UW-M1-SCGEST-073-M International Marketing Management162600042Q266
UW-M1-SCGEST-074-M Financial Markets and Portfolio Management12900021Q233
UW-M1-SCGEST-075-M Cases in Finance02100021Q233
UW-M1-SCGEST-076-M International Standards for Accounting and Reporting14700021Q133
Module A " Entrepreneuriat"21
UW-M1-SCGEST-066-M Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Business Models152700042Q166
UW-M1-SCGEST-067-M Collaborative Innovation and Creativity17400021Q133
UW-M1-SCGEST-068-M Entrepreneurial Finance - Part 112900021Q133
UW-M1-SCGEST-069-M Entrepreneurship and Business and Financial Planning152700042Q266
UW-M1-SCGEST-070-M Digital Marketing02100021Q233
Module A "Audit"21
UW-M1-SCGEST-060-M Internal Control151300028Q144
UW-M1-SCGEST-061-M Accounting Law and International Standards243200056Q188
UW-M1-SCGEST-062-M Consolidated Accounting101100021Q233
UW-M1-SCGEST-063-M Legal assignments21000021Q233
UW-M1-SCGEST-064-M International Standards for Accounting and Reporting14700021Q133
Module A "Marketing"21
UW-M1-SCGEST-055-M International Marketing Management162600042Q266
UW-M1-SCGEST-056-M Corporate Communication202200042Q166
UW-M1-SCGEST-057-M Services Marketing91200021Q233
UW-M1-SCGEST-058-M Cases in Marketing02100021Q133
UW-M1-SCGEST-059-M Digital Marketing02100021Q233
Module A "Finance"21
UW-M1-SCGEST-044-M Economic Law : Financial and Market Law42000042Q166
UW-M1-SCGEST-045-M Public financial management and federalism222000042Q266
Combinaison au choix9
Choix A ( par la suite, l'étudiant devra également choisir le "choix A" du module Finance du bloc 2) 9
UW-M1-SCGEST-046-M International Finance271500042Q166
UW-M1-SCGEST-047-M Financial Markets and Portfolio Management12900021Q233
Choix B (par la suite, l'étudiant devra également choisir le "choix B" du module Finance du bloc 2)9
UW-M1-SCGEST-048-M Corporate Finance271500042Q166
UW-M1-SCGEST-049-M Cases in Finance02100021Q233
Module A " Secteur bancaire et financier"21
UW-M1-SCGEST-050-M Regulatory Framework in the financial sector15600021Q133
UW-M1-SCGEST-051-M Bank and Insurance301200042Q166
UW-M1-SCGEST-052-M Financial Communication15600021Q233
UW-M1-SCGEST-053-M Financial Derivates15600021Q133
UW-M1-SCGEST-054-M Gestion d'actifs et comportement de l'investisseur301200042Q266
UE transitoires à partir de 2023-20240
UW-M1-SCGEST-107-M Produits financiers dérivés15600021Q166
Language choice 3
UE d'Espagnol - Choix parmi les 2 UE :3
UW-M1-SCGEST-029-M Español de los negocios 1201000030Q133
UW-M1-SCGEST-030-M Comunicación comercial 1201000030Q233
UE de néerlandais - choix entre Q1 ou Q23
UW-M1-SCGEST-031-M Zakelijk Nederlands 1 (Q1)201000030Q133
UE de néerlandais destinée aux étudiants issus du bloc complémentaire3
UW-M1-SCGEST-040-M Zakelijke Communicatie 1201000030Q2,33
Module B au choix9
Module B "Audit"9
UW-M1-SCGEST-077-M Social Security and Labour Law14000014Q122
UW-M1-SCGEST-078-M Company Law and Companies in Difficulty49000049Q177
Module B "Economie"9
UW-M1-SCGEST-087-M Game theory in Economics301200042Q266
UW-M1-SCGEST-081-M International and European Economics21000021Q133
Module B "GRH"9
UW-M1-SCGEST-083-M Social Security and Labour Law14000014Q122
UW-M1-SCGEST-084-M HR Diagnosis and Strategy232600049Q277
Module B "Risques"9
UW-M1-SCGEST-085-M Methods in Risk Assessment and Modeling - Part 115600021Q133
UW-M1-SCGEST-086-M Financial Risk Management212100042Q166
Enseignements obligatoires
UW-M1-SCGESS-040-M General Risk Management15600021Q233
UW-M1-SCGESS-041-M Business Ethics21000021Q233
Choix d'UE3
UW-M1-SCGESS-042-M Human Resources and Change Management12900021Q133
UW-M1-SCGESS-043-M Luxury Marketing15600021Q133
Bloc 2Hours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
Tronc commun
UW-M2-SCGEST-014-M Master Thesis Prérequis000000Y1818
UW-M2-SCGEST-062-M English for International Communication61500021Y33
Langue au choix (Espagnol ou Néerlandais)3
UE de néerlandais - choix parmi les 2 UE3
UW-M2-SCGEST-060-M Test CNAVT06150021Y33
UW-M2-SCGEST-007-M Zakelijk Nederlands 2 (B2)201000030Q133
UW-M2-SCGEST-061-M /201000030Q133
UE d'Espagnol - choix parmi les 2 UE :
UW-M2-SCGEST-002-M Comunicación comercial 2 (B1)201000030Q133
UW-M2-SCGEST-004-M Español de los negocios 2 (B2)201000030Q133
Module A au choix9
Module A "Finance"9
UW-M2-SCGEST-035-M Management Simulation Seminar04200042Q166
Choix d'UE3
Choix A (réservé aux étudiants ayant choisi le "choix A" du Module Finance du bloc 1)3
UW-M2-SCGEST-036-M Portfolio management seminar02100021Q133
Choix B (réservé aux étudiants ayant choisi le « choix B » du Module Finance du bloc1)3
UW-M2-SCGEST-037-M Seminar in Corporate Finance02100021Q133
Module A "Secteur bancaire et financier"9
UW-M2-SCGEST-038-M Seminar in Banking and Insurance02100021Q133
UW-M2-SCGEST-039-M Séminaire de simulation en gestion04200042Q166
Module A "Marketing"9
UW-M2-SCGEST-040-M Marketing Seminar63600042Q166
UW-M2-SCGEST-041-M Marketing Research and Application111000021Q133
Module A "Audit"9
UW-M2-SCGEST-042-M Audit and International Standards of Audit321000042Q177
UW-M2-SCGEST-043-M Management Information Systems Auditing14000014Q122
Module A "Entrepreneuriat"9
UW-M2-SCGEST-044-M Entrepreneurial Finance - Partie 212900021Q133
Choix d'UE (6 crédits)6
UW-M2-SCGEST-045-M Click N'Start: Support for Entrepreneurship Projects04200042Q166
UW-M2-SCGEST-046-M Entrepreneurship Seminar04200042Q166
Module A " General Management"9
UW-M2-SCGEST-047-M Seminar in Corporate Finance02100021Q133
UW-M2-SCGEST-048-M Economic and Business Current Affairs43800042Q166
Module B au choix6
Module B "Audit"6
UW-M2-SCGEST-049-M Seminar in Risk Management02100021Q133
UW-M2-SCGEST-050-M Auditor Independence21000021Q133
Module B "Economie"6
UW-M2-SCGEST-051-M Economics of European Integration34800042Q166
Module B "GRH"6
UW-M2-SCGEST-052-M Management and Assessment of Skills202200042Q166
Module B "Risque"6
UW-M2-SCGEST-053-M Methods in Risk Assessment and Modeling - Part 215600021Q133
UW-M2-SCGEST-054-M Seminar in Risk Management02100021Q133
Enseignements obligatoires
UW-M2-SCGESS-030-M Strategic Management152700042Q166
UW-M2-SCGESS-031-M Internship Corequis0040000400Q299
Choix d'UE - 2 UE de 3 crédits6
UW-M2-SCGESS-032-M Well-being in the Workplace12900021Q133
UW-M2-SCGESS-033-M Economie du personnel111000021Q133
UW-M2-SCGESS-034-M Performance Analysis91200021Q133
UW-M2-SCGESS-035-M Sustainable Economics21000021Q133
UE réservées aux étudiants ayant mené à bien une des deux missions AWEX durant l'AA précédente.
UW-M2-SCGESS-036-M International Dynamics of Finance and Trade21900021Q133
UW-M2-SCGESS-037-M Immersive Experience in International Trade24000042Q166
Bloc ComplémentaireHours (*)TermCreditsWeight.
HT(*) HTPE(*) HTPS(*) HD(*) HR(*) Total
Tronc commun
UW-MC-SCGEST-001-M Foundations in Quantitative Methods151500030Q133
UW-MC-SCGEST-002-M Statistics in Economics and Management151500030Q133
UW-MC-SCGEST-006-M Introduction to Market Finance181200030Q233
UW-MC-SCGEST-007-M Principles of Marketing201000030Q133
UW-MC-SCGEST-010-M Business English 3 (BC)171300030Q233
UW-MC-SCGEST-022-M Principles of Economics402000060Q166
UW-MC-SCGEST-023-M Econometrics (BC)161400030Q233
UW-MC-SCGEST-008-M /181200030Q233
UW-MC-SCGEST-024-M Bases en finance183000048Q266
Langue au choix (Espagnol ou Néerlandais)6
UW-MC-SCGEST-011-M Programa de preparación al Máster253500060Y66
UW-MC-SCGEST-013-M Nederlands op de Werkvloer 3 (BC)223800060Y66
UW-MC-SCGEST-014-M Voorbereidingsprogramma op de Master501000060Y66
(*) HT : Hours of theory - HTPE : Hours of in-class exercices - HTPS : hours of practical work - HD : HMiscellaneous time - HR : Hours of remedial classes. - Per. (Period), Y=Year, Q1=1st term et Q2=2nd term
Please note, the course titles given here are translations of the original titles and are provided in English for information only. In order to know in which language the course will be taught, please refer to the French page. There, the titles provided in French indicate that the course is taught in French and the titles provided in English indicate that the course is taught in English.
Date de génération : 30/03/2025
20, place du Parc, B7000 Mons - Belgique
Tél: +32 (0)65 373111